
Art of Jack Valentine


A small collection of some of my favorite pieces, and previous work.

Artist for Hire

Check out my commission details! I'm available to work for freelance or hire for a variety of projects.


Hi there! You can call me Jack, or Cane. I'm a 29 year old digital artist located out of Portland, Oregon. I specialize in character and creature design, and illustrations.


A collection of more recent works that show what I'm capable of.

Commissions [Closed]

CommissionerDescriptionComplete %
ChikinDani & LeahNot Started
XamVenetriaNot Started


You can call me Jack, or Cane. I've been designing and illustrating for 10+ years. I am self taught, and have been shy marketing myself, therefore I thought a rebranding and fresh start were in order. Below are a list of my current projects, and planned illustrations. You'll be able to follow more closely if I ever get enough traction to actually set up Patreon.

Project TypeFeature CharacterComplete %
Donation ProjectBartimaya50 %